Visual Tool Check

Software for holistic tool inspection

  • Powerful image processing for flank wear measurement
  • Intuitive touchscreen operation during visual inspection
  • Seamless embedding into the TNC7 interface
  • Automation interface for controlling in-process measurements
  • Remote access to image database for downstream analysis
VTC software for holistic tool inspection

Measuring tool wear

After taking close-up shots of each tool edge or detailed panoramic images of the tool's entire circumference, you can use the VT software to measure the amount of flank wear. You can then use this data to create inspection reports for each tool as well as lock worn tools over the NC control interface.

Versatile panoramic images

Panoramic images of the tool's entire circumference allow you to virtually illuminate each edge from different angles, making it easy to inspect the edges as well as document the change in wear over time. You can also uncover optimization potential for your cutting parameters and NC programs.

Assign statuses to tools

For inspecting an image series, especially for tools with numerous teeth, the software provides an overview for navigating between images and zooming for greater detail. A traffic-light function lets you assign statuses to tools and even lock "red" tools in the TNC's tool table.

Reproducible documentation

For optimal comparison of a tool over time, the software can create images of the same edge position under identical lighting. This automated feature provides an easier inspection process than manual microscopy in the lab.

Organizing the image database

After you've selected camera angles in the imaging cycle, the software automatically creates images of the tool, grouping them in the image database based on their designations in the tool table. You can also define how images are grouped via a cycle parameter.

Comparing an image series

A comparison feature of the VTC software displays images of the same tool edge next to each other, making it easy for you to see the change in wear over time. Using the image overlay function, you can also use a heatmap to visualize the changes.

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